
MHT - CET Biology

Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms. Modern biology is a vast and eclectic field composed of many specialized disciplines that study the structure, function, growth, distribution, evolution, or other features of living organisms.

The Living World

  * Life
  * Building Blocks of Life and Their Function
  * Biodiversity
  * Need for Classification
  * Three Domains of Life
  * Introduction
  * Major Botanical Gardens, Herbaria and Research Institute
  * Biological Concept of Species
  * Static Concept of Species
  * Dynamic Concept of Species
  * Typological Concept
  * Taxonomical Hierarchy
  * Binomial Nomenclature
  * Museums
  * Zoological Parks
  * Herbaria

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Biological Classification

  * Botanical Gardens
  * Introduction
  * Artificial Classification
  * Natural Classification
  * Adansonian System or Phenetic Classification or Numerical Classification
  * History of Taxonomy
  * Kingdom Monera
  * Kingdom Protista
  * Kingdom Mycota
  * Kingdom Plantae
  * Kingdom Fungi
  * Kingdom Animalia
  * Lichens
  * Viruses
  * Viroids

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Plant Kingdom

  * Introduction
  * Types of Classification
  * Introduction
  * Classification of Algae - Chlorophyceae,spirogyra ,Ulothrix,phaeophyceae,rhodophyceae
  * Introduction
  * Classification of Bryophytes - Hepaticopsida,riccia,anthoceropsida,musci or Bryopsida
  * Introduction
  * "Classification of Pteridophytes- Psilopsida (Psilotum)
  * Lycopsida (Selaginella, Lycopodium)
  * Sphenopsida (Equisetum)
  * Pteropsida"
  * Introduction
  * Classification of Gymnosperms - Cycadopsida (E.g. Cycas), Coniferopsida (E.g. Pinus, Ginkgo) and Gnetopsida (E.g. Gnetum)
  * Angiosperms
  * Plant Life Cycles and Alternation of Generations

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Animal Kingdom

  * Introduction
  * Habitat
  * Level of Organisation
  * Symmetry
  * Germ Layers
  * Coelom
  * Body Plan
  * Skeleton
  * Body Temperature
  * Protozoa and Metazoa
  * "Phylum Porifera
     * Phylum Coelenterata (Cnidaria) –
     * Phylum Platehelminthes (Flat worms) –
     * Phylum Aschelminthes (Round Worm) –
     * Phylum Annelida
     * Phylum Arthropoda( Jointed Legs) –
     * Phylum Mollusca –
  * Introduction
  * Classification of Protozoa
  * Introduction
  * Classification of Metazoa

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Morphology of Flowering Plants

  * Introduction
  * Regions of Root
  * Modification of Root
  * Introduction
  * Modification of Stem
  * Introduction
  * Types of Leaf
  * Modification of Leaves
  * Introduction
  * Parts of Flowers
  * Introduction
  * Classification of Fruit
  * Introduction
  * Structure of Dicotyledonous Seeds
  * Economic Importance of All Parts of Plants

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Anatomy of flowering plants

  * Introduction
  * Introduction of Different Parts
  * Root
  * Stem
  * Leaf
  * Inflorescence
  * Flower
  * Fruit
  * Seed

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Structural Organisation in Animals

  * Animal Tissues
  * Morphology
  * Introduction and Functions of Different System
  * Digestive System
  * Circulatory System
  * Respiratory System
  * Nervous System
  * Reproductive System

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Cell: The Unit of Life

  * Introduction
  * Cell
  * Cell Theory
  * Prokaryotic Cell
  * Cell Envelope and Its Modification
  * Ribosomes and Inclusion Bodies
  * Eukaryotic Cells
  * Cell Membrane
  * Cell Wall
  * Endomembrane System
  * Endoplasmic Reticulum
  * Golgi Apparatus
  * Lysosomes
  * Vacuoles
  * Mitochondria
  * Plastids
  * Ribosomes
  * Cytoskeleton
  * Cilia and Flagella
  * Centrosome and Centrioles
  * Nucleus
  * Microbodies

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  * Introduction
  * Chemical Composition
  * Primary and Secondary Metaboties
  * Biomacromolecules
  * Proteins
  * Polysachhardies
  * Nuclei Acids
  * Structure of Proteins
  * Nature of Bond Linking Monomers in a Polymer
  * Dynamic State of Body Constituents
  * Metabolic Basis for Living
  * The Living State
  * Enzymes
  * Chemical Reactions
  * Nature of Enzyme Reaction
  * Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
  * Classification and Nomenclature of Enzymes
  * Cofactors

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Cell cycle and Cell division

  * Introduction
  * Cell Cycle
  * Interphase
  * M-Phase
  * Cytokinesis
  * Significance of Mitosis
  * Meiosis I
  * Meiosis II
  * Significance of Meiosis

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Transport in Plants

  * Introduction
  * Transport in plants
  * Water
  * Gases
  * Nutrients
  * Diffusion
  * Facilitated diffusion
  * Active transport
  * Imbibition
  * Water potential
  * Osmosis
  * Plasmolysis
  * Absorption
  * Apoplast
  * Symplast
  * Transpiration pull
  * Root pressure
  * Guttation
  * Opening and closing of stomata
  * Uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients −
  * Transport of food
  * Phloem transport
  * Massflow hypothesis
  * Diffusion of gases

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Mineral Nutrition

  * Essential minerals
  * Macro and micro-nutrients and their role
  * Deficiency symptoms
  * Mineral toxicity
  * hydroponics as a method to study mineral nutrition
  * Nitrogen metabolism
  * Nitrogen cycle
  * Biological nitrogen fixation

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Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

  * Photosynthesis as a mean of autotrophic nutrition
  * photosynthesis
  * Pigments involved in photosynthesis ,spectrum of light
  * Photochemical and biosynthetic phases of photosynthesis
  * Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation
  * Chemiosmotic hypothesis
  * Photorespiration
  * C3 and C4 pathways
  * factors affecting photosynthesis

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Respiration in Plants

  * Exchange of gases
  * Cellular respiration −
  * Glycolysis
  * Fermentation (anaerobic)
  * TCA cycle
  * Electron transport system (aerobic)
  * Energy relations - number of ATP molecules generated
  * Amphibolic pathways
  * Respiratory quotient

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Plant - Growth and Development

  * Seed germination
  * Phases of plant growth and plant growth rate
  * Conditions of growth
  * Differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation
  * Sequence of developmental processes in a plant cell
  * Introduction and types of Growth regulators
  * Auxin
  * Gibberellin
  * Cytokinin
  * Ethylene
  * Aba
  * Seed dormancy
  * Vernalisation
  * Photoperiodism

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Digestion and Absorption

  * Introduction to Human Physiology
  * Introduction
  * Alimentary Canal
  * Digestive Gland
  * Digestive Glands
  * Small Intestine
  * Pancreas
  * Digestion in Bucaal Activity
  * Digestion in Small Intestine
  * Disorders in digestion
  * Bile Juice and Pancreatic Juice

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Breathing and Exchange of Gases

  * Introduction
  * Respiratory Organs in Other Organisms
  * Human Respiratory System
  * Bronchil,Bronchioles & Lungs
  * Diaphram & Inter Coastal Muscles
  * Mechanism of Breathing and its Regulation in Humans
  * Respiratory Volumes & Capacities
  * Exchange of Gases
  * Transport of Gases
  * Transport of Gases
  * Transport of CO2
  * Regulation of Respiration
  * Disorders of Respiratory System

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Body Fluids and Circulation

  * Introduction
  * Composition of Blood
  * Blood Groups
  * Flow Chart + Platlets
  * Blood Group ABO Blood Group
  * ABO- Incompatibility + RH blood Group
  * Coagulation of Blood
  * Composition and function of lymph
  * Human Circulatory System
  * Internal Structure
  * Groove
  * Anterys & Veins
  * Capillaries
  * Cardiac Cycle & Cardiac Output
  * Pumping Action
  * ECG
  * Double Circulation
  * Regulation of Cardiac Activity
  * Disorders of Circulatory System

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Excretory Products and Their Elimination

  * Introduction
  * Human Excretory System
  * Urine Formation
  * Mechanism of Concentration of the Filtrate
  * Regulation of Kidney Function
  * Micturition
  * Role of Other Organs in Excretion
  * Disorders of the Excretory System

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Locomotion and Movement

  * Introduction
  * Types of Movement
  * Muscle - Part I
  * Muscle - Part II
  * Structure of Contractile Proteins
  * Mechanism of Muscle Contraction
  * Skeletal System
  * Joints
  * Disorders of Muscular and Skeletal System

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Neural Control and Coordination

  * Neural System in Lower Organism
  * Nervous system in humans
  * Central nervous system
  * Peripheral nervous system
  * Visceral nervous system
  * Autonomic Nervous System
  * Generation and Conduction of nerve Impulse
  * Transmission of Impulse
  * Reflex Action
  * Sense Organs
  * Eyes
  * Ears

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Chemical Coordination and Integration

  * Human Endocrine System
  * The Pituitary Gland
  * The Pineal Gland
  * Thyroid Gland
  * Parathyroid Gland
  * Thymus
  * Adrenal Gland
  * Pancreas
  * Testis
  * Ovary
  * Hormones of Heart, Kidney and Gastrointestinal Tract
  * Mechanism of Hormone Action
  * Role of hormones as messengers and regulators
  * Hypo - and hyperactivity and related disorders
  * Dwarfism
  * Acromegaly
  * Cretinism
  * Goiter
  * Exophthalmic Goiter
  * Diabetes
  * Addision's disease

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Reproduction in Organisms

  * Reproduction
  * a characteristic feature of all organisms for continuation of species
  * modes of reproduction – asexual and sexual reproduction
  * asexual reproduction – binary fission
  * sporulation
  * budding
  * gemmule formation
  * fragmentation
  * vegetative propagation in plants

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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

  * Flower structure
  * development of male and female gametophytes;
  * pollination – types, agencies and examples
  * outbreeding devices
  * pollen-pistil interaction
  * double fertilization
  * post fertilization events – development of endosperm and embryo
  * development of seed and formation of fruit
  * special modesapomixis
  * parthenocarpy
  * polyembryony
  * Significance of seed dispersal and fruit formation

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Human Reproduction

  * Male and female reproductive systems
  * microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary
  * gametogenesis – spermatogenesis
  * oogenesis
  * menstrual cycle
  * fertilisation embryo development upto blastocyst formation
  * implantation
  * pregnancy and placenta formation
  * parturition
  * lactation

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Reproductive Health

  * Need for reproductive health and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  * birth control – need and methods
  * contraception and medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)
  * aniocentesis
  * Introduction
  * infertility and assisted reproductive technologies – IVF, ZIFT, GIFT

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Principles of Inheritance and Variation

  * Heredity and variation: Mendelian inheritance
  * deviations from Mendelism – incomplete dominance
  * co- dominance
  * multiple alleles and inheritance of blood groups
  * pleiotropy
  * polygenic inheritance
  * chromosome theory of inheritance
  * chromosomes and genes
  * Sex determination – in humans, birds and honey bee
  * linkage and crossing over
  * sex linked inheritance – haemophilia
  * colour blindness
  * Mendelian disorders in humans -thalassemia
  * chromosomal disorders in humans
  * Down’s syndrome
  * Turner’s and Klinefelter’s syndromes

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Molecular Basis of Inheritance

  * Search for genetic material and DNA as genetic material
  * Structure of DNA and RNA DNA packaging
  * DNA replication
  * Central dogma
  * transcription
  * genetic code
  * translation
  * gene expression and regulation – lac operon
  * genome and human and rice genome projects
  * DNA fingerprinting.

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  * Origin of life
  * biological evolution and evidences for biological evolution (paleontology, comparative anatomy, embryology and molecular eidences)
  * Darwin’s contribution
  * modern synthetic theory of evolution
  * mechanism of evolution – variation (mutation and recombination) and natural selection with examples
  * types of natural selection
  * Gene flow and genetic drift
  * Hardy – Weinberg’s principle
  * adaptive radiation
  * human evolution

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Human Health and Diseases

  * Introduction
  * parasites causing human diseases
  * Malaria<
  * Filariasis
  * Ascariasis
  * Typhoid
  * Pneumonia
  * Common cold
  * Amoebiasis
  * Ring worm
  * Introduction and types of diseases
  * Cancer
  * HIV
  * AIDs
  * Adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse

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Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

  * Introduction
  * Introduction to Animal Husbandry
  * Livestock Animal and Their Management
  * Animal Breeding
  * Blue Revolution
  * Introduction to Plant Breeding
  * Objective of Plant Breeding
  * Method of Plant Breeding
  * Methods for Production of Disease Resistant Plant
  * Tissue Culture
  * Requirements of PTC
  * Types of PTC
  * Plant Regeneration in TC
  * Application of PTC
  * Green Revolution
  * Single Cell Protein

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Microbes in Human Welfare

  * In household food processing
  * industrial production
  * sewage treatment
  * energy generation and microbes as bio-control agents and bio-fertilizers
  * Antibiotics; production and judicious use

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  * Introduction
  * Principles of Genetic Engineering
  * Processes Genetic Engineering

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Biotechnology and its Application

  * Introduction
  * Human insulin and vaccine production
  * stem cell technology
  * gene therapy
  * genetically modified organisms – Bt crops
  * transgenic animals
  * biosafety issues
  * bio piracy and patents

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Organisms and Populations

  * Introduction
  * Introduction and its types
  * Habitat
  * Niche
  * Population
  * Ecological adaptations
  * Introduction and its types
  * Mutualism
  * Competition
  * Predation
  * Parasitism
  * Introduction and its types
  * Growth
  * Birth rate
  * Death rate
  * Age distribution

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  * Patterns
  * Components
  * Productivity
  * Decomposition
  * Energy flow
  * Pyramids of number, biomass, energy
  * Nutrient cycles (carbon and phosphorous)
  * Ecological succession
  * Carbon fixation
  * Pollination
  * Seed dispersal
  * Oxygen release (in brief)

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Biodiversity and its Conservation

  * Concept of biodiversity
  * Patterns of biodiversity
  * Importance of biodiversity
  * Loss of biodiversity
  * Introduction and its types
  * Hotspots
  * Endangered organisms
  * Extinction
  * Red data book
  * Biosphere reserves
  * National parks
  * Sanctuaries
  * Ramsar sites

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Environmental Issues

  * Air pollution and its control
  * water pollution and its control
  * agrochemicals and their effects
  * solid waste management
  * radioactive waste management
  * greenhouse effect and climate change impact and mitigation
  * ozone layer depletion
  * deforestation; any one case study as success story addressing environmental issue

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